Molly has also discovered the refridgerator, and the magnets that go on it. We have put HER maganets on the bottom of the fridge for her to play with. She really enjoys taking them off and banging them on the floor.

She also thinks that she is big enough to stand up on the magents. I figured that she would just push up in the middle of the floor and stand up. Here she is doing one of her "push ups" on a magnet.

She has begun to pull up on whatever she can. If someone is laying on the floor, Molly thinks that they are there for her to climb on. We decided it was time to get the Little Tikes slide out for her to play on. Here she is thinking about crawling through it. As you can see, she loves to go for Mommy's phone, so I was using it for motivation to get her to crawl through.

Molly also thinks that she is big help. Here she is standing put on the vacuum cleaner. She thinks that she might be able to help. However, when it is turned on, she is scared of it. Notice also, she has her baseball hat on. She is already in training;). 

1 comment:
So cute - LOOOOOVE the slide pic. can't wait to snuggle with her soon! love, aunt summer
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