Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nearly 5 months old

I can't believe that Molly is almost 5 months old. She is getting so big so fast. She has also learned how to do a lot of new things. She has learned to roll from her back to her tummy. She still struggles with this some, as this is only the second day we have been doing it! She has also decided to give up her bottle strike, and is beginning to take it some. She still is better at nursing, but has decided that the bottle will suffice if it has too! She is beginning to sit unsupported. She still has a little bit of round butt syndrome, and if she reaches for something to the side of her, she falls over, but she is getting more sturdy everyday. She loves her rice cereal, and loves trying to help. However, she will only eat her cereal if it is super like, almost paste-like. Almost 2 weeks ago, she weighed in at 14 lbs 7.6 oz. We are going to go tomorrow to get her current weight for her book at 5 months old! She also loves to play in her saucer and her jumper!

Looking so big playing on the Boppy!

Being so big sitting in her Rocker!

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