Today, we took Molly to the Breastfeeding Clinic to just do a weight check. I like to drop in every few weeks to see how she is doing on her gains! Today she was.....13lbs 6 oz, only 4 oz away from doubling her birth weight! I can't believe how fast she is growing. She is really working on rolling over, and even slept through the night for me! She almost always sleeps through the night when I am at work, and Trenton is at home with her. However, most of the time when I am home at night, she thinks she has to wake for at least one feeding in the middle of the night! I can't believe I got 6 hours of sleep straight! She is getting so big so fast!

In a pretty hat. We have a bunch of 3-6 month outfits that are not season appropriate, so we did a photo shoot!

Just Chillin' on her Boppy

All smiles for the camara
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