Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas fun
Molly had a wonderful first Christmas! We spent the first part of Christmas Eve at the doctor's office. Poor Molly had an ear infection and was being treated with Amoxicillin for that. For about two days (Monday and Tuesday) before Christmas, she had a case of exploding diarrhea and blow outs. So we were getting ready to leave on Christmas Eve to go to Emporia to visit Trenton's grandmother and family. However, Molly had other plans. She had another bout of diarrhea, but this time with a little suprise. She had blood in her stool. Needless to say, I freaked out and called the Dr. office. We took her in and come to find out, poor baby had a hemorriod that started to get irritated and that is where the blood came from. However, she does have a yeast diaper rash, so now she is being treated for that! After all of this, we finally made it to Emporia and then to Eudora for Christmas Eve with my parents. On Christmas, we woke up and did our Santa gifts with Molly, then packed the car to go to KC for Christmas with my maternal grandparents! That was a lot of fun and Molly got all kinds of goodies. We even got a porch swing made by my grandpa that is beautiful. After leaving KC, Trenton took me back home, because I was scheduled to work, and then headed to Melvern, KS for Christmas with his family. Of course, at 4:50pm I recieve a call that I am not needed at work, so I got to go down to celebrate Christmas with Molly! Even though we were in the care a lot of the time, we had a very good Christmas. We got to see the family on all sides, and that is what is most important. I know though, I can't wait until next year when Molly is really into the gifts!! I will post pictures of Christmas next time!
Monday, December 22, 2008
A new first for Molly
Today Molly rolled over for the first time. She has really been working hard on rolling from her back to her tummy. Tonight, I gave her a little help, and she ended up on her Tummy. However, after about a minute or two on her tummy, she rolled herself back over to her back. I had even pulled her arm out so it wasn't really easy for her to just flop back over. She had to do it all by herslef. After she rolled back to her back, she got a suprised look on her face like "what just happened" Of course, she couldn't do it again though! So yea!!! Molly is doing so well! I just wish that I could keep her little forever!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Weight check
Today, we took Molly to the Breastfeeding Clinic to just do a weight check. I like to drop in every few weeks to see how she is doing on her gains! Today she was.....13lbs 6 oz, only 4 oz away from doubling her birth weight! I can't believe how fast she is growing. She is really working on rolling over, and even slept through the night for me! She almost always sleeps through the night when I am at work, and Trenton is at home with her. However, most of the time when I am home at night, she thinks she has to wake for at least one feeding in the middle of the night! I can't believe I got 6 hours of sleep straight! She is getting so big so fast! 
In a pretty hat. We have a bunch of 3-6 month outfits that are not season appropriate, so we did a photo shoot!
Just Chillin' on her Boppy
All smiles for the camara

In a pretty hat. We have a bunch of 3-6 month outfits that are not season appropriate, so we did a photo shoot!

Just Chillin' on her Boppy

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Molly had her first experiece with Snow today. We woke up this morning to find we had about 2-3 inches of snow outside. I really wanted to put her snow suit on and take Molly out in the snow. However, with having her ear infection, we decided it was best to not get her out in this cold weather. However, since we couldn't go out, we brought the snow inside!
Here we are with just some snow in daddy's hand.

Here is Molly with a plate full of snow. We decided that this would work better so the snow didn't melt as fast.

Molly wasn't so sure what to think when it got on her hand.

After about 3-4 minutes of playing with it, she decided that she didn't like it because it was way to cold!
Then after all of the excited from the snow, it was time to take a short little nap! All that excitement really wore poor little Molly out!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Our first Christmas party!
Today we had our first Chirstmas party with Molly. We went to my dad's parent's house in Drexel, MO. Molly again was on her best behavior. She wore her pretty Chirstmas dress, but had to change it before we opened gifts because we spit up on it too many times. When it came time to open gifts, Molly was very interested in what every one else was doing! She loved to hear the paper tear! She even tried to help open one of the boxes;) Well it at least looked that way because she was reaching for it! We really had a good time with this because this was the first time most of the family got to meet Molly. Of course, she was the hit of the party!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Meeting Santa
Today, Molly got to sit on Santa's lap. She was so good. She didn't really like it when his beard rubbed her face, but she liked to touch it.

Then after we met Santa, we went to Gramee and Grampee's house and had a birthday party for Angel, Jennifer, and Grampee. We were a really good baby too! We let just about everyone hold us! The best we have been at a party yet!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Getting so big!
So we took Molly to the Breastfeeding Center today and she is getting so big! She weighed in at 12lbs 6.8 oz. After her feeding, we discovered she took in 7.4 oz (typically a baby her age should take about 4 oz a feeding). I knew she was a little pig though! She is really developing her little personality. She is starting to talk all the time, and really work on using her hands! I can't believe how fast they grow!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Three Month Pictures
Thursday, November 27, 2008
We went into KC today to my grandparents (Molly's Great-Grandparents). We had a really good time, and Molly was on her best behavior for the day! She really enjoyed getting to meet her family from Iowa, including her Great-Great-Aunt Jackie and Great-Great Uncle Chuck. She played all day, smiling and talking, showing the family how fun and sweet she really is!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Molly's two months
Molly had her two month appointment last Tuesday. She is now 11lbs 9.5 oz and 23 inches long. She is getting so big. She can't even wear any of her 0-3 month sleepers because she can't strech her legs out. She still is wearing her 0-3 pants and onsies though. She thinks she is so big though. She tries to completely hold her head up on her own, and is even working on trying to sleep through the night. A few times, she has slept for 7 hours before waking up for a feeding at 4 in the morning. This has been really nice! The first time it happened though, it really freaked me out. She sleeps much better in her big girl crib though, and not in our room!
Molly is also really smiling now and even trying to laugh. However, when she smiles so big, she closes her eyes almost!

Monday, November 3, 2008
Our first hospital visit
Well, Sunday was an interesting night. We spent three hours at Stormont Vail Hospital ER for Molly. She had a fever of 101.1 with no other symptoms. After poking her twice to get blood, putting in a catheter without much return, and a 2 view chest x-ray, we got the diagnosis of febrile illness. No true problems were found. They think it was viral. However, today, she is feeling much better without a temp too! My poor baby had her first big sickness! I am just glad to see she is feeling better. Let me tell you though, my nursing knowledge just kinda gets lost when she gets sick! Four years of school, for me to forget it all for Molly!
Friday, October 31, 2008
1st Halloween
Molly went trick-or-treating for her first Halloween with her cousin Angel. They were so cute. Molly went as a pea-in-a-pod, but slept through the whole thing!
We have also found that she loves to sit in her bumbo seat even at such a young age!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Our new baby girl
We finally have started our little family. After 4 very happy years of marriage, we now have brought home our new little miracle. Molly Alaine was born on September 7 at 9:00pm. She weighed in at 6lbs and 13 oz and only 18 3/4 inches long. She was a stinker up until delivery though, but it was all worth it now. My water broke at 8:30 in the morning, and after 4 hours of no contractions, I was started on Pitocin (a medication to cause contractions). 9 hours later, and one WONDERFUL epidural, we had our beautiful baby girl.
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