Monday, March 30, 2009
Almost 7 months old
Molly has really learned to get what she wants. If she can't roll for it, she will scream at the top of her lungs until we give in. She has gotten really good at rolling, and rolled almost halfway down the hall today (of course with mom and dad following). We have also had to lower her mattress in her bed because she is so close to pushing her self up to sitting. She does what we call "push ups" where she gets up on her hands and feet. She has also gotten really good at getting up on her hands and knees, if only she could get them to move the way that she wants.
Molly absolutely loves to be outside, especially if she can swing. However, she doesn't like it when the sun is in her eyes, so we got her a pair of sunglasses, and she leaves them alone (unless of course she is tired!).
She is still stubborn with her food, really only liking the food from the table. However, we did discover, she like babyfood peas!
Another thing that she still loves its to stick her tongue out (however now instead of just out, she curls it up)!
As for her 6 month stats, she weighed in at 15 lbs and 12 oz and was 25.5 inches long. She has now graduated to size 3 diapers, and can't wear most of her 3-6 months clothes! So big, but so fun!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Growing up, and more stubborn than ever!
Time really does fly when you are having the time of your life. I can't believe that our baby is already 6 months old! She is over 15 lbs now (we go to the doctor tomorrow for her 6 month check and will be weighed then), wearing size 2-3 diapers, and some 3-6 month and some 6-9 month clothes. She is still however in a size 2 shoe. She just has little feet (at this time). She is rolling over to her belly with ease, and is pushing up on her hands and knees, rocking and trying really hard to crawl. She scoots backwards like a pro, and loves to stand on your lap. She sits up without support like an expert, and can even reach for toys to either side without falling.
She loves to play in her exer-saucer, walker, and jumparoo! She still naps daily in her swing, with her "Lovee" from Great-Grandma Yeo. She also has learned to self-soothe for bed, and enjoys falling asleep on her own now in her bed. However, she loves to sleep on her side or her tummy. We often find her in the morning on her tummy, with one arm out of her jammies. So cute! She is always full of smiles, and loves to flirt with everyone (as long as she is in mommy or daddy's arms). I also swear, that sometimes when she is mad, she says ma-ma-ma. Trenton thinks this too, but we could just be imagining things. The last snow that we had in February, we took her out in, and she thought that was really neat.
She adores being outside, and I can't wait for the weather to warm up!

I say that she is also more stubborn than ever because she always has to have it her way. She is totally and momma and dadda's girl, and gets very upset if we can't be seen when other people are around. Also, if she is tired and we walk away, she throws a big fit until she can see us again! However, she is generally a very happy baby, and these fits are not common with Trenton and I around. She also is still not very fond of the bottle. She will take it now, but only about 2-3 oz. at a time. She also still loves her rice cereal above all other foods. However, momma's green beans are a close second. She absolutely will not eat baby food, and insists only on big girl food (I have to grind all my own baby food)! However, this is easy and doesn't take too long to do. Also, what ever it takes to get her to eat! She also really enjoys her biter biscuits!
Despite her stubborn streak (I hear it comes from me) she is a wonderful baby, and I love being able to call myself her mom! I really can't imagine my life without Molly Alaine in it! She is a blast to watch grow and learn every day!
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