I can't believe that Molly is already 11 months old! She is growing up way to fast! She still is physically a little thing still, but a big girl in activity and attitude. She is so fun to watch as she learns and discovers new thing everyday, and truely is our little blessing.
Molly is still in size 3 diapers, wears size 2 (almost ready for 3) shoes which she can now walk well in, size 6-9 and some 12 month clothes, and weighs in at 17lbs 9oz. She is still nursing 3 times a day, and we are working on getting down to two times a day. She eats three meals a day, and snacks multiple times a day. She is still rear facing (as should be since she is under 1 year and under 20 lbs), we are just hoping that maybe by Christmas she will be able to turn to forward facing. She loves to just walk around all the time, as she has gotten really good at walking. She loves to go on walks, go shopping, ride in the wagon, swing really high, pick up mail from the mailbox with daddy, and touch the pears on the pear tree. She also loves to watch cartoons on Noggin and swim in the neighbors pool! Here are just a few of our pictures from this month!
Molly lounging in the recliner watching Yo Gabba Gabba! (one of her favorite)

Taking a bubble bath. She loves her bath, but she is scared of bubble baths

Molly on the rocking horse that Papa O made for Mommy when Mommy was a baby!

Molly at Katie and Paul's wedding

Playing in the tupperware cabinet (the only one she is allowed to play in and only when we allow it)