Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Birthday Party #1

Molly had her first 1st birthday party with my side of the family and some close friends from Raytown. It was a blast. She wasn't horribly interested in presents after she opened the first one; she got more upset because I put the present to the side after it was opened and gave her the next one. She didn't want to give the first present up. The first two pictures are of her opening a few of her presents!
Here is Molly and Ella playing with Molly's new table from Gram and Gramp. They had a blast with this table, and just playing altogether. It was really great to have Ella (as well as her parents and Kim) at the party so that Molly could interact with another baby her age! They were so cute playing and giving each other hugs and kisses!
This is a picture of Molly looking at the candle. She didn't understand the concept of blowing out the candle.
Here is Molly as soon as we put the cake in front of her. Notice the intense look, like "I'm gonna get it!"
This, however, it as messy as Molly would get. Each time she touched the frosting, she would shake her hands as if to say "Eww, yuck, get it off!"
A cute family pic.
All cleaned up after cake, Molly decided a bag would be more fun to play with than her new toys.
All worn out after partying hard!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Molly and the monster watermelon!

Trenton's parents have a huge garden, and this is one of the watermelons that they grew. It weighed in at 36lbs, twice Molly's weight. She wasn't quite sure what to think of it being as big as she is!

11 months old!

I can't believe that Molly is already 11 months old! She is growing up way to fast! She still is physically a little thing still, but a big girl in activity and attitude. She is so fun to watch as she learns and discovers new thing everyday, and truely is our little blessing.
Molly is still in size 3 diapers, wears size 2 (almost ready for 3) shoes which she can now walk well in, size 6-9 and some 12 month clothes, and weighs in at 17lbs 9oz. She is still nursing 3 times a day, and we are working on getting down to two times a day. She eats three meals a day, and snacks multiple times a day. She is still rear facing (as should be since she is under 1 year and under 20 lbs), we are just hoping that maybe by Christmas she will be able to turn to forward facing. She loves to just walk around all the time, as she has gotten really good at walking. She loves to go on walks, go shopping, ride in the wagon, swing really high, pick up mail from the mailbox with daddy, and touch the pears on the pear tree. She also loves to watch cartoons on Noggin and swim in the neighbors pool! Here are just a few of our pictures from this month!
Molly lounging in the recliner watching Yo Gabba Gabba! (one of her favorite) Taking a bubble bath. She loves her bath, but she is scared of bubble baths

Molly on the rocking horse that Papa O made for Mommy when Mommy was a baby!

Molly at Katie and Paul's wedding

Playing in the tupperware cabinet (the only one she is allowed to play in and only when we allow it)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Molly's 10 month pictures

Molly Alaine's 10 month photos! She performed so well!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Train Ride!!!

We took Molly to ride the train in Baldwin City at the planes, trains and automobile show. The ride as 1 1/2 hours long total, but she had a blast. Here are the pictures from that ride.
Molly and Daddy on the Train, getting ready to leave the station!!

Molly all ready to go, showing off her had and silly smirk.

Molly wearing her cousin Carter's engineer's hat.
Looking out the window as we were getting ready to leave the station.

Posing for the camara as we take off!

Looking out the window from our seats on the top of the caboose!

Our view from our seats as you looked behind us!!!
Molly and Mommy on the train ride! This was our seat on the top of the caboose
She had a blast in this seat looking out the window. She would only get mad when I pulled her back from the window she she didn't get bush wacked!!

Looking out the window with daddy, while drinking her water from her sippy with a straw. This is on the way back to the station, we had seats in the passanger car on the way back.

Molly and Mommy in front of the engine that pulled the train!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bathtime fun!!!

Molly love bathtime in her ducky tub. Here she is waiting for daddy to finish filling up the tub for her to play!

What did you do to me? Molly after getting her hair washed off and her face wet. She doesn't really care to much for this part still!

Lounging in the tub.

Yelling at daddy and mommy after being told to stay sitting!
Lounging while eating her pink tug boat!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A day for friends and fun!!

Today we met up in a park in Raytown with some friends from highschool (my oldest and best friends to say the least). We had a picnic lunch and then the girls were able to play. Molly and Ella had a blast finally being able to interact on close to the same level. (Ella is about 2 months older than Molly). Here are some pictures of the fun!!!

Molly on the slide!!!

Molly and Ella on the slides, Molly was really interested in Ella's hat!!

Molly walking with hands. She was trying to figure out how to walk in shoes. She doesn't like to wear shoes anymore.

Molly and Ella playing somemore!!

Molly and Daddy on the Jungle Gym!

After a long and fun day at the park, and a long nap on the way back home from Raytown, Molly went swimming for the second time at the neighbor's pool. She loved it even more this time. She wanted to swim and kick her feet.

Here is Molly just floating in her floatie, she loves this. She really enjoys splashing in the water, and trying to bend over and drink it!!